
Just Nathan

A musical offering, in parts
September 12, 2005
Still no hint of a Geordie accent

Robin and I had supper with Jonathan at Kymmoy this evening (ok I've been going there too often recently). It's good to see him thriving and to know that Fiona and Emily have settled in Newcastle.

When we were working on a project in the North East last year, I had my first real exposure to the friendliness and positve attitude of people in the region. I guess I'm a bit too much of a dyed-in-the-wool southerner to have thought about it much, but the vision and commitment shown by many of the people we met was quite inspiring. The North East lacks several of the advantages we have here in Cambridge - the skilled workforce, established technology economy, University base and proximity to London. But the people I met in Newcastle were more human.

Posted by nathan at September 12, 2005 10:10 PM

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