
Just Nathan

A musical offering, in parts
January 01, 2005

For Muriel Emanuel
For Rafael Chaim Silver
For those who died in this week's earthquake
For those needlessly slaughtered as a result of Bush and Blair's follies
For those in Guantanamo Bay and Belmarsh
For the forgotten
For lost hopes.

But a single candle infinitely illuminates the darkness.


Posted by nathan at January 1, 2005 12:00 AM



I'm delighted that you've started blogging again. But sad to read how maudlin your thoughts still are. I can't say I'm surprised, you've been through it last year.

And yet you still find emotional energy to suffer on behalf of others, people you don't know and will never meet.

I know you aren't a Christian, but if only you could adopt a little of our philosophy here; only Christ was able to truly absorb other's sufferings. The rest of us simply aren't up to it. God gave us our life to enjoy, as much as we can; he wants us to take happiness where we can. There'll always be pain and suffering, enough to consume you over and over. One day, it will actually be happening to you.

Remember Woody Allen in "Hannah and Her Sisters"; he goes through agony after his near-miss with the brain tumour? But he eventually learns that he should enjoy his life while he can.

Every minute is a gift. You have your health; you have a great business, people who love you, your brilliant mind, your many and varied talents.

So say some prayers for these people, (even the prayers of non-believers are listened to!) send them what you can afford to rebuild their lives, and then get back to enjoying yours.

I too, have recently updated my blog by the way, if you care to read about that incident on the slopes of Gstaad. But please don't post a link; that blog is just for invited friends and family.
love, Pita

Posted by: Pita [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 9, 2005 11:00 AM

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