
Just Nathan

A musical offering, in parts
June 13, 2003
Shuffling the deck

Tony Blair's really lost his grip now.

He now seems lonely and isolated.

So where are we?

A Department for Consitutional Affairs. Changing the judicial system without consultation, without a manifesto commitment and without sorting out the deliberate mess they've made of the Lords.

Abolition of the post of Lord Chancellor, whilst putting his friend Charlie Falconer (a pleasant man by reputation), unelected and unrepresentative in a tempoarry position before a Supreme Court is devised (probably to be stuffed with political appointees).

The Scottish and Welsh Offices are combined within the DCA and thus have no cabinet minister to represent them in the Commons (or will Charlie do a Tony? I doubt it). So Peter Hain speaks on Welsh affairs as well as being Leader of the Commons and Alistair Darling will speak for Scottish affairs as well as Transport.

There is a further illustration of the mess of devolution, and brilliant example of the West Lothian question. John Reid, member for Lothian in Scotland, a region that has turned its back on foundation hospitals, is responsible for implementing the policy in England. But English voters cannot get rid of him. Another West Lothian link.

The back benches are filling up with the bitter, the failed and the disillusioned.

For all your idealism and fast talking, Tony Blair, your days are numbered. Nobody stays forever as Prime Minister - you should quit while you still have some credit.

Posted by nathan at June 13, 2003 06:27 AM

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