May 24, 2003
Is that a minkey?
It took us most of the morning to clear up from yesterday’s dinner party. We went to the waterworld centre to buy some copper sulphate to rid the goldfish of their parasitic infection (don’t ask) and then went round to Alistair’s with cream cakes. Somehow, that translated into a visit to the beer festival (for Alfred and Alistair) whilst I stayed at home and read. They returned at about half past ten, merry with beer and wanting to be fed. We watched “Return of the Pink Panther” on DVD and laughed until we cried.
Apparently, that was the only Pink Panther film available on DVD at the time, but now the rest are available on Region 1. Where's my credit card, swdi?
Posted by nathan at May 24, 2003 11:53 PM
i dont have dvd, but i have every pink panther film with peter sellers in, he is my favourite actor of all time. i wont buy the last pink panther film, as the person playing the part was nothing like him!!
Posted by: laurence horn at May 31, 2003 09:36 AM
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