May 31, 2003
Heat wave
We've suddenly moved from "changeable" rainy, blustery weather to a minor heat wave, and my mood has lifted accordingly. I'm looking forward to the weekend.
So, for a lighthearted summer weekend teaser "who's the hunk?", who can tell me the name of this guy and the reason he is well-known? It's an easy one!
PS A few people have told me they won't post a comment because they don't know the answer... go on, make my day, even if you're not sure who it is, amuse me!

We're seeing The Matrix Reloaded this evening with friends.
Posted by nathan at May 31, 2003 06:47 AM
I have no idea who the hunk is, but I am more concerned about the size of his banana!
Posted by: Grant at May 31, 2003 07:35 AM
David Hasselhoff in a far distant previous life?
Posted by: Joel at May 31, 2003 08:24 AM
Looks like David Mellor to me.
Posted by: the bitch from hell at May 31, 2003 09:57 AM
Clearly he doesn't eat kneidlach and lockshen pudding everyday. Famous: how could he be? Most people don't to know who he is. But I think I know his brother:
Posted by: F at May 31, 2003 10:41 AM
This is clearly Nathan himself, just leaving Green's fitness centre early on a Saturday Morning. He is carrying a new spoiler for his yellow Ford XR3i convertible.
Posted by: Alistair at May 31, 2003 11:07 PM
Mais oui ! This is President Chirac arriving at the G8 summit in Evian after crossing the Lake on his surf ... ready and energised for his meeting with Bush today.
Posted by: Xavier at June 1, 2003 11:17 AM
hehe...I know the answer! And you know I know the answer ;)
Posted by: Alf at June 2, 2003 09:51 AM
OK, it's Michael Bergin from "Baywatch" (not David Hasselhoff, duh - he couldn't shave that well).
If it's sunny next weekend I'll try another one.
Posted by: Nathan at June 3, 2003 05:42 AM
Not sure who he is but he's bulging in all the right places ;o)
Posted by: Paul Wallis at June 3, 2003 09:51 PM
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