The world's got itself in a real pickle over Iraq. I've never seen "divide and rule" practised so cleverly. So, is it war on 11th March, 17th March or can the French and Germans stop this crazy slide into violence?
What do the Americans and British know that they're not telling us? If we agree the need for Iraq to disarm, if we believe that they are a threat to peace in the Middle East and beyond, why go to war right now? I accept the argument that they've already had twelve years, but the Americans and Brits are looking foolish in trying to prove that Iraq and Al-Quaeda are linked, that they have nuclear weapons and that every step to destroy weapons is irrelevant. We're all told that Iraq is dangerous and that Saddam Hussein is playing games with us. Why can't we play the game better?
So the challenge is for the british and Americans to produce evidence that will convince the UN and their citizens. If not, they must wait for the UN weapons inspectors, IAEA and the slow, frustrating process of international diplomacy to pursuade more of us that war is the only option.
Posted by nathan at March 9, 2003 01:54 PM
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