Alfred the JCB
It's an in joke.

The Clavinova is on its way.
Posted by nathan at February 10, 2003 08:42 PM
Posted by: Alfred at February 11, 2003 10:45 AM
Thanks Alistair, call me misanthropic but it looks about as much like a piano as the malconceived waveforms it generates resemble a Steinway. In fact, I'd rather listen to the JCB, at least it's doing something sensible. I can send one over to your house if you want. No, on second thoughts, you'd be after the driver.
Now where's my killfile - I get one on usenet (moans and whinges into the distance, accompanied by strains of Sakamoto's "Merry Chopsticks, Mister Lawrence"
Posted by: Nathan at February 12, 2003 05:01 AM
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