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June 04, 2006

Sixteenth Meeting - My Lives

Our sixteenth meeting will be held at a member's house near Cambridge. This month's book is My Lives by Edmund White.


This is White's very frank autobiography. Each chapter focuses on different aspects of his life: My Shrink; My Father; My Mother; My Hustlers; My Women; My Europe; My Master; My Blonds; My Genet; My Friends.

This is an intelligent and absorbing account of an extraordinary life by the author of The Beautiful Room is Empty and A Boy's Own Story. At times it's 'strong' (be warned - occasionally I felt I I was being told stuff about him which I didn't want to know!). It may well come to be ranked as one of the great literary autobiographies.

An autobiography will be a first for the group.

Posted by nathan at 01:00 PM | Comments (0)